
朝日新聞 7月6日 Be数独 ★3 BBB+

朝日新聞7月6日Be数独は★★★のやさしい問題です。同じような難易度の問題(Technical point=56 )は、過去11例出題されています。


                                           Final answer

                                           Orders of determined digit

                      Time history of order by empty cells filled with solved digit

                      Ranking analysis of Puzzles considered visual veiwpoint

                                                        Sudoku avator A with exchanged digits         

            All Sudoku puzzles shown above cut from grids of continuous 3 block have the same degree of  difficulty and can be solved by using the same strategy.

                                        Visual pattern sheet of avator A

                                         Sudoku avator B by column exchange with same solution

                                         Visual pattern sheet  of Sudoku avator B

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